
Submit Your Charity Ride or Event

This is the place to submit all of the info for your motorcycle charity ride or other charity event.

If approved, we will place your event up on our website and include it in our online promotions and broadcast mentions. That’s why its so important to include all of your event details including; Name, Charity, Date, Locations, Times, Price, Activities, Bands, Website, Facebook Event Link, and even Ticket Links.

Most Charity Motorcycle Rides have a flyer, and you’ll want to attach the large jpg version to the form below. If you have a promotional YouTube or Vimeo video we can include that on your event page as well. Simply include the link with your details.

The Rock Mafia has been promoting charity rides and events around the Midwest since we were founded in 2010. It’s what we do.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Got A Flyer?

    Name of the Event?

    All The Details


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